Unit Testing Cloudformation Template

This project aims to implement a solution that can optimize the run/test for CF template. We will be running a cloudformation template and testing it without actually launching the resources. We will be using EKS open-source cloudformation template for demonstration. We will be testing and stimulating cloudformation templates with zero cost.

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On Premise Application Deployment

This post aims to discuss the on-premise application deployment. This is demonstrated by deploying parse-server on Kubernetes. The entire project focuses on resolving issues including Ease of clustered enterprise-level deployments, Incremental remotely triggered application updates, Easy remote debugging, Health Alerts and Monitoring, Application Security (with source code protection), and Disaster management.

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Is It Easy To Write A Weather Api ?

This is the first API that I’ve written, and coming up next is me attempting to make stuff basic for you with the goal that you can break it and then learn. The manner in which I characterize stuff is simply to make you comfortable with it. If you find something confusing, you can always reach me. Let’s make mistakes and then learn.

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